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Get access to over six hours of John Basedow's best-selling muscle building and fat burning Fitness Made Simple workouts...plus special JB Fit Tips to help you build the body of your dreams! Becoming a FMS Member ($9.99/mo, $99.99/year) makes John's popular workout/nutrition videos available to y...
Fitness Made Simple: Fat Burning Workout
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - Lose fat. Increase energy. Feel better about yourself than you ever thought possible. All in less than an hour every other day.
Reshape your body in record time with Fitness Made Simple’s 45Min FAT BURNING WORKOUT. Workout at home with Fitness Celebrit...
Fitness Made Simple: AM/PM Workouts
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - The AM/PM WORKOUTS Video offers:
- 10-15 minute early morning exercise routines to energize you for the day and get you going.
- 10-15 minute evening (after dinner) exercise routines to help relieve the stresses of your day, promote peaceful sleep and... -
Awesome Hour Upper Body Home Workout
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - In response to popular demand from FMS Members, Manta Communications has created the FMS AWESOME HOUR UPPER BODY HOME WORKOUT, an hour long video featuring Fitness Celebrity John Basedow taking you through his own upper body workout. Many members wrote in...
1 video | Buy $19.99
Fitness Made Simple: Six Pack Abs
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - Fitness Made Simple SIX PACK ABS showcases 3 different abdominal workouts that John Basedow uses to sculpt maximum definition. Each workout specifically targets areas of the abs, including the mid abdominal wall, obliques and lower abs, in a sequential m...
Fitness Made Simple: Basedow Basics
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - Fitness Made Simple BASICS offers:
- A fun warm-up with a variety of stretches and 'power yoga' movements
- Upper body sculpting for your chest, back, shoulders, and arms (with and without weights)
- Lower body sculpting to tone your legs and buttocks ... -
Fitness Made Simple: Unlock Your Potential
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - Fitness Made Simple UNLOCK YOUR POTENTIAL is John Basedow's first video that brought him to international attention. It highlights the exact full body muscle building workout routine and definition-enhancing meal plan, including recipes, he and thousands ...
Fitness Made Simple: Tips for Living Lean & Healthy
1 video | Buy $19.99
Instant Streaming and Digital Downloads - Fitness Made Simple TIPS For LIVING LEAN & HEALTHY combines John Basedow's favorite six pack abs workout with stress-relieving, definition enhancing stretches and power yoga moves. Then, he gives his 'Top 10 Secrets' for building and maintaining a lean, m...